Debenhams reduces £249 LED mask to £66 in huge Black Friday deal (2025)

For anyone starting their Christmas shopping and looking for affordable stocking fillers, Debenhams might have what you're looking for

Debenhams reduces £249 LED mask to £66 in huge Black Friday deal (1)

Debenhams has massively reduced the price of several popular beauty products ahead of Black Friday and Christmas. While both big events are still a while away, it doesn't mean shoppers itching to get their hands on some money-saving deals have to wait.

Popular retailer Debenhams has just launched its biggest pre-Black Friday sale to date online here, with 70% off bestsellers, and an extra 22% off for more than 10,000 products.

For those looking to buy presents for any makeup fans they know, Debenhams' latest sale might be the best place to look. While Black Friday isn't until November 29, the online retailer is offering its massive savings over three weeks early.

Whether you're looking for a new watch, anti-ageing must-haves, dresses, boots or a winter coat, Debenhams has you covered. While there are countless deals to choose from, one deal in particular stands apart from the rest.

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The Eclat Skin London Limited Edition Pro 7 Color Face + Neck LED Mask was originally priced at £249 at Debenhams. In the retailer's huge Black Friday sale it has dropped to £66.29, offering a massive 73% off and saving shoppers around £182.

The beauty device that uses advanced LED light therapy technology to improve skin health, by emitting seven different colours of light, each with its own unique benefits for the skin. According to Debenhams, the mask is designed to be worn for just a few minutes each day, making it "a convenient and effective addition to any skincare routine."

The works by "penetrating deep into the skin's layers to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote cellular repair". The red light, for example, helps to increase blood flow and oxygenation, while the blue light targets acne-causing bacteria.

The mask also includes an optional neck attachment for full-face and neck treatment. According to the description the red light "timulates collagen production and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles", while blue "kills acne-causing bacteria and helps prevent breakouts."

Green light is said to "reduce inflammation and improves skin tone and texture", while yellow "boosts circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and dark circles." The purple light combines the benefits of red and blue light therapy to target acne and improve skin clarity, cyan "soothes and calms irritated skin, reducing redness and inflammation", and white light "penetrates deeply into the skin to promote collagen production and improve skin elasticity."

The mask is recommended for use for 15 20 minutes, around two or three times per week. LED light therapy has been shown to have numerous benefits for the skin, including reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Improving skin texture and tone, reducing inflammation and redness, and killing acne-causing bacteria.

The Eclat Skin London Limited Edition Pro 7 Color Face + Neck LED Mask has racked up a number of reviews online. Among them, one person said: "This is my best purchase. I love this mask. I have noticed significant improvement after using it for a month, and I still love it."

A second wrote: "I’ve only been using it for two weeks but I can already see results. I alternate between using the red and blue lights, and my skin has less acne and less hyper pigmentation. I’m excited to keep using it and see further improvements."

A third shopper added: "I am so happy to share my experience with the Eclat mask! At first, I almost gave up after a few weeks, but I persevered and after only 2 months, I started to see results. My skin is brighter, smoother, and my imperfections are significantly reduced."

However, another shopper claimed the mask was "uncomfortable" and wrote: "Really heavy and uncomfortable to wear unable to return as have attempted to use this item."

Elsewhere, Boots is stocking the Silk'n Facial LED Mask for £120, or Argos has the STYLPRO Wavelength LED Face Mask for £100. Shark also has the available online for £269.99.

Debenhams reduces £249 LED mask to £66 in huge Black Friday deal (2025)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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